Square Angle | Project Management
Project Management
SA’s ability to provide a continuum of support to its client, can provide services to include project management and contract administration services, offers clients the savings and efficiencies from a great team of experts. Project Management from the start of the project through to the final commissioning ensures a comprehensive and cost savings approach.

Our approach is the same for every project: work closely with the client from assessment through construction to prioritize and meet their needs. Our project development phases focus on providing value at every stage:

Project Initiation

• The SA Engineering project team is assembled.
• The team meets with the client to discuss and clarify the project's scope, budget and
• The team establishes project reporting procedures and decision-making processes.
• When necessary, the team identifies and selects sub-consultants. All sub-consultants utilize SA
CAD standards, design standards and software.
• The team reviews relevant reports, studies and plans such as previous master plans,
renovations, mechanical and electrical system and maintenance upgrades, building plans.
• The team then creates a detailed work plan.

Schematic Phase

• The team assesses the clients' needs, i.e., identifies and documents operational and strategic
• Systems schematics and outline specifications are prepared.
• Schematic estimates of probable construction costs based on identified scope are prepared.
• A schematic report, outline specifications and engineer's estimates of probable construction
costs are created based on client priorities and budget.

Design Development Phase

• Design development floor plans and system schematics to identify equipment locations, utility
distribution routing, systems zoning and project phasing are prepared.
• The first draft of technical specifications for systems materials and installation requirements
are prepared.
• Design development estimates of probable construction costs are developed.
• Previous needs assessments are reviewed, schematic phase needs are confirmed and client
design concerns are addressed.
• The team participates in the design development review meeting to review value engineering
options, assess systems design, finalize implementation and packaging of contract documents, and refine the project schedule. Design development plans and technical specifications are prepared for review and approval by the client.

Contract Documents

• Contract documents are prepared for competitive bidding based on approved design
development documents.
• If necessary, separate bid packages are prepared according to accommodate project
• Estimates of probable construction costs are prepared based on refinement of project scope
and adjustment to adjustment to contingencies.


• Team members attend pre-bid conferences and walk-throughs with contractors/suppliers.
• Addenda required for clarifications to the bidding documents are submitted.
• The team reviews bids and makes recommendations to the client regarding award of


• The team reviews shop drawing submittals, schedule of values and the contractor's
installation schedule.
• Project managers attend scheduled project meetings and prepare meeting minutes.
• Team members conduct periodic pre-approved site visits to review work progress and
progress payment applications, and verify installation conformance to contract documents.
• On-site systems start-up training sessions are scheduled with contractors, suppliers and
owner representatives.
• The team conducts final site observation inspection and completion of documentation.